tiistai 22. maaliskuuta 2011

Installing NITDroid to EMMC

This will install froyo to phone internal memory.

  1. Download the image + the kernel to /MyDocs i.e. root dir. of N900:
  2. Enable all repositories from App manager (Extras-testing, Extras-devel, Extras and the default Nokia repos)
  3. Install Leafpad from the App manager and make sure that you have root access
  4. Close App manager, open X Terminal and execute the following commands:
    apt-get update
    apt-get install nitdroid-installer
  5. After the nitdroid-installer package is installed, close X Terminal, but do NOT run the installer you just downloaded.
  6. Open X Terminal, and execute the following commands: NOT sudo gainroot
    cd /home/user/MyDocs
    bzip2 -d NITDroid-0.0.9.tar.bz2
    (This will take about 5min, so relax)
    cd /home
    mkdir /and 
    (If it gives error "file system exist" its ok, continue)
    cd /
    mount /home /and
    cd /and (You should be at AND directory, if not try above again).
    tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-0.0.9.tar
    dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-kernel-Mido.Fayad.deb
  7. Edit the boot file:
    leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11
    (then tap the tab button, .item file will show, hit enter to open it in Leafpad). Edit ITEM_DEVICE in the file according to this:
    • If you don't have an MMC plugged in your N900, change ITEM_DEVICE to this:
  8.  Can't save? Get filebox from AppManager and open it. Go to root folder and open multiboot.d in leafpad. Not it will work.
  9. Once editing is complete click the drop down menu on Leafpad and save then close Leafpad.
  10. Close X Terminal, reboot N900 and type ‘2’ for NITDroid.
  11. To install Flash 10.1 (beta) hit the link with your N900 http://downloads.nitdroid.com/applications/flash101.apk

1 kommentti:

  1. can u plz help i follow all these steps and it works fine for me but i couldn't understand 7 and 8. so can u plz clear it a little bit for me i will be very thankful to u.
